The Family That Eats Together Stays Healthy Together

Recent studies demonstrate that children desire to sit down at the dinner table and have a meal with their parents. Consequently, they are more likely to eat a well-balanced, nutritious meal when they have a family dinner. Many pediatric dieticians theorize that having a meal as a family is an important piece of preventing childhood obesity puzzle. However with the hectic lives parent and children seem to lead these days, assembling the family all together in the same place at the same time can be a insurmountable chore. Between work schedules, after-school activities, errands, and the like, it seems there are not enough hours in the day.   However with a few innovative ideas and some arrangement, meal time can be an enjoyable and treasured family time.
Allocate no less than one night per week to have a sit-down meal with your family.  Sunday nights are often a good choice for this event because you have more time to relax and the weekend projects have been completed. Next, the parents should design unique things to spruce up the family meal.
Tell an Amazing Story About Dogs Night. Suggest it a few of days ahead of time, so everyone will have time to prepare. A couple of game rules: Everyone gets to present their story uninterrupted. And each person thanks the person who was before him or her.
Pretend We’re at a Restaurant Night. Use our indoor voices, and eat in a sophisticated manner and act polite.
Tell Something Good About Carrots Night. You don’t have to eat it, you just have to look it up and present to the rest of the family one good thing about it.
Make Believe We’re on an Island Where There’s Nothing to Eat but Vegetables Night. Be sure to take requests.
Incorporate your children in choosing the meal and preparation.  This gives them a strong sense of self and the groundwork for a life of healthy meal planning and preparation.
Avoid outside interruptions. Make sure the television is off, and establish that all phone calls go to voice mail or the answering machine during the meal.  Use this time to visit with one another and delight in the family’s presence.  This is a good time to reestablish and find out what events occured this week.  Don’t rush through eating, and teach your children how to do the same in the process.  Slowly eating is a healthy habit.  Don’t jump up and start clearing dishes and putting things away until all are finished eating and talking.
Doing your meals in this manner at least once a week will provide a terrific foundation for healthy diet and healthy living for you and your family.

About the Author

Derrel Allen is a father of five, information technology adviser and professional entertainer. Read more about kids party entertainment at his website